Rachel, founder of Strategic Growth Factor

We accelerate your business. At Strategic Growth Factor, we specialize in accelerating business growth by strategically applying neuropsychology to business drive sales and expand market reach. We are a global network of industry leaders with seasoned expertise. We offer insights and strategies that are proven to work—whether you’re expanding in new markets, driving sales performance, or building innovative marketing campaigns.

About the facilitator.

Rachel, founder of Strategic Growth Factor, will be personally hosting this workshop for an executive audience.

Founder’s story: from evidence-based science to half a billion in revenue. Rachel's career began in the pharmaceutical industry where products rely on clinical evidence for FDA approval. Learning: Rely on scientific data to prove something works.

She eventually became Chief Strategy Officer and Head of Business Operations for China—as an American, for a German pharmaceutical giant. Learning: Human brains respond similarly across cultures and markets.

Testing this theory outside of pharma, Rachel became a sales executive at Google. Rachel applied this evidence-based understanding of human behavior to global sales, leveraging neuropsychology to turn insights into action. This approach generated over half a billion dollars in international revenue. Learning: Strategic application of neuroscience can accelerate business growth worldwide.

Rachel and her team are excited to see what applying neuropsychology can do for your business.


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