Anna Stanke

Anna is an experienced Realtor in Ottawa working with families, singles and couples for almost 20 years. Anna has created this seminar for those in her community looking for help to begin the process of downsizing to free up time and finances now that the empty nest stage is upon them. By teaming up with other industry pofessionals, Anna will guide you through the process and help you get started. Anna is passionate about real estate and the enhancement and security it builds over a lifetime. As an "Empty Nester", the move to a smaller space can be a daunting one - Anna can help you find the best way. Life changes and events happen, we can't control that, but we can control how we respond. Being ready for life's changes is important and Anna is passionate about understanding this process and making real estate decisions that will bring comfort and security to those she helps. Anna is dedicated to helping her clients make the best real estate decisions for them to achieve the greatest long term goals.

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