VROOM Monaco'24: The Circular Fashion Edition

VROOM is a prestigious gathering of disruptive tech startups, investors, and corporate leaders seeking access to cutting-edge solutions.

Date and time

Thursday, November 28 · 5 - 9pm CET


Monaco Yacht Club

Quai Louis II 98000 Monaco Monaco


5:00 PM

Doors Open

5:30 PM

Opening Speech

5:40 PM

Startup Presentations

6:00 PM

Panel Discussion on Responsible Investing: Trends, Opportunities and Challenge

6:15 PM

Keynote Speech

6:20 PM

Startup Presentations

6:40 PM

Panel Discussion on Importance of Circularity: The Role of Fashion Brands

6:55 PM

Closing Remarks

7:00 PM

Cocktail Hour

About this event

  • Event lasts 4 hours

This year we shine the spotlight on innovative startups and brands actively integrating technology to reshape the fashion industry, driving it towards a more sustainable and eco-conscious future.

These pioneering companies are at the forefront of adopting cutting-edge solutions aimed at reducing waste and enhancing ecological practices within the fashion sector.

Why Supporting Green Initiatives in Fashion is Crucial

The fashion industry is known for its creativity and trendsetting, but it is also one of the most polluting industries on the planet. The production processes involved in creating textiles and garments contribute to massive waste, water pollution, and carbon emissions. As consumers become more aware of the environmental impact of their choices, the demand for sustainable fashion solutions is growing.

Supporting green initiatives in fashion is not just about reducing the environmental footprint; it’s about fostering a new wave of innovation that prioritizes ethical production, resource efficiency, and waste minimization. By investing in sustainable fashion startups, we can:

Reduce Environmental Impact: Innovators are developing new materials and processes that significantly cut down on water usage, chemical pollutants, and greenhouse gas emissions.

Promote Ethical Practices: Sustainable fashion focuses on fair labor practices, ensuring that workers are treated ethically and are paid fair wages.

Enhance Brand Value: Companies that invest in sustainability are increasingly seen as leaders and are more attractive to conscious consumers and investors.

Drive Economic Growth: Green innovation opens up new markets and opportunities for growth, creating jobs and stimulating economic activity in a sustainable manner.

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