Trademarks and Fashion. A comparative and interdisciplinary perspective
By IÉSEG School of Management-Research Dept
Date and time
Friday, March 16, 2018 · 9am - 1pm CET
Parvis de La Défense
Socle de la Grande Arche 92800 Puteaux FranceDescription
Attendance to the conference is free of charges, bur registration is mandatory.
Any question can be addressed to TMfashion@ieseg.fr
IÉSEG School of Management organizes a conference in collaboration with the Case Western University. This event focuses on transnational and legal (but not only) aspects of trademark law, with a particular attention to the fashionmarket.
The language of the conference will be English only. The event is addressed to academics, but also to practitioners.
The conference gives 4 hours of training credits to the Attorney-at-Law enrolled in the Paris bar.
The conference also gives 4 hours of training credits to the Industrial Property Attorneys.