Masterclass with Jana Sanskriti : Theatre for Socioecological Change

Masterclass with Jana Sanskriti : Theatre for Socioecological Change

Masterclass and lecture with Jana Sanskriti: 11 AM / 16 PM Introduction to Forum Theatre and Multispecies Legislative Theatre 16 PM Lecture

By Alessandra Manzini

Date and time

Thursday, April 10 · 11am - 5pm CEST


Università Cergy-Pontoise

33 Boulevard du Port 95000 Cergy France


11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Masterclass Theatre of the Oppressed for socioecological change

This workshop explores the powerful tools of Theatre of the Oppressed (ToO) as instruments for driving socio-ecological change, with a focus on Indigenous peoples’ struggles and the rights of non-hum...

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Lecture Sanjoy Ganguly


After the workshop a lecture will be given by Sanjoy and Sima Ganguly leaders, founders of the theatre of the oppressed movement Jana Sanskriti. The speech will essentially focus on the already exist...

About this event

  • Event lasts 6 hours

The workshop will be free of charge, it will be necessary to register before 31 March, places will be limited to 30 participants. The Lecture will be open.

Who is Jana Sanskriti movement?

Founded in 1985, Jana Sanskriti (JS) was the first exponent of Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) in India. Over the years, the Centre has evolved into one of the most significant points of reference for the global community of Theatre of the Oppressed.

JS believes that there is inherent perfection within every individual, waiting to be discovered and manifested. When a person uncovers this latent perfection, they are able to overcome the sense of inferiority imposed by centralized social culture. This self-discovery empowers individuals to become articulate, confident, and capable of confronting the challenges they encounter on their journey of personal and societal development.

The core mission of Jana Sanskriti is to create a space where the oppressed can engage in deep introspection and discover their true potential. It seeks to facilitate a profound connection between the individual and the perfection within themselves, because as the Centre believes, "What is this perfection but the richest resource of human society?"

Over the span of more than three decades, JS has addressed critical social issues such as domestic violence, child marriage, girl child trafficking, child abuse, maternal and child health, primary education, healthcare, and the fight against illicit liquor, all through the transformative power of theatre.

Jana Sanskriti’s theatre has played a significant role in empowering individuals as well as communities. It has dealt with a range of issues through performance, forum theatre and collective action. We have seen theatre giving birth to a political movement with a human content – On stage we create critical thinkers and off stage actor transform themselves into ‘Act-Ivists’and spect-actors become ‘Spect-Activists’.

JS continues to stand as a beacon for change, utilizing the power of theatre not only as an art form but as a tool for social transformation.

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