Galaxy of Action training

Galaxy of Action training

Learn how Time for the Planet's community, the Galaxy of Action, works, and how you can help us to grow the movement.

By Team for the Planet

Date and time

Sunday, October 9, 2022 · 9 - 10am PDT



About this event

This presentation of Time for the Planet's Galaxy of Action aims to explain how it works if you want to help Time to grow.

Warning: this meeting is not an information meeting about Time for the Planet in general. It only answers the question: "How can I help?"

You will get the links to the video conference by email.

You'll find it at the very bottom of the email you receive right after your online registration (but really at the very bottom... ;) )

Organized by

Team for the Planet lutte contre l’urgence climatique en utilisant l’entrepreunariat.Nous détectons des innovations à impact, constituons des équipes d’entrepreneurs pour les déployer, et injectons de l’argent pour accélérer ce déploiement.

Le capital est ouvert à tous. En investissant, vous devenez "copropriétaire" de Team for the Planet et contribuez à la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique.

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