In the current context of international relations, characterized by a deep crisis of multilateral cooperation and a widespread delegitimization of international institutions, strategic autonomy has become a keyword in the narrative that the European Union has developed to project the protection of its fundamental values and interests on the international stage. Through the analysis of some case studies (related to the EU's Common Commercial Policy and initiatives to regulate the digital sphere), the lecture intends to highlight the tensions that this narrative can produce on the constitutional framework of the European Union, starting from the imperative - enshrined in the EU Treaties - that the strict respect and development of international law guide the EU's external action..
Federico Casolari, Full Professor of EU Law and Head of Department of Legal Studies, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna
Federico CASOLARI teaches EU law and EU constitutional law at the University of Bologna. His current research agenda is focused on the constitutional principles of the Union, the law of the EU external relations, and EU disaster law. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Studies in EU external relations book series and of the Editorial Committee of the Yearbook of International Disaster Law.
The lecture will end with a short cocktail.
University of Luxembourg
Campus Kirchberg - Weicker Building
Room B001 (ground floor)
4, rue Alphonse Weicker, L-2721 Luxembourg