Clean or Dirty? What makes a good deal for European Transports Industries?

Clean or Dirty? What makes a good deal for European Transports Industries?

The Platform gathers representatives of transport industries, NGOs, and policy makers to debate the upcoming Clean Industrial Deal.

By The Platform for electromobility

Date and time

Tue, 4 Feb 2025 09:00 - 11:30 CET


Arts56 - DaVinci Conference Hall

Avenue des Arts 56, Brussels, Belgium 56 Avenue des Arts 1000 Bruxelles Belgium


9:00 AM

Welcome coffee

9:30 AM


Kinga Timaru-Kast, Chair of the Platform for E-mobility

9:35 AM

Keynote speech

European Commission - TBA

9:45 AM

Panel One | Electric Transports: How to support supply?

Ethem Pekin, CER

Renata Surowiec, Ford Motor Europe

Julia Poliscanova, T&E

Madelene Sundkvist, Vattenfall

10:45 AM

Panel Two | Electric Transports: How to support demand?

Sanne Frías Henriksen, Maersk

Other panellists to be announced

11:20 AM

Conclusive words

Michal Kobosko, MEP

About this event

  • Event lasts 2 hours 30 minutes

Clean or Dirty? What makes a good deal for European Transports Industries?

Join us at for a lively discussion on the future of the European transport industry.

On 26 February 2025, the European Commission is set to present the Clean Industrial Deal, a cornerstone policy initiative to strengthen Europe's competitiveness in the global clean energy transition. In anticipation of this legislative package, the Platform for Electromobility will host a high-level public event to propose policy recommendations (find out more here) for the upcoming package and discuss them with industrial representatives, climate advocate and policy makers.

Join us to proactively contribute to the public debate by shaping discussions on critical industrial policies before the proposal reaches the European Parliament.

Panellists will discuss the need for regulatory stability, investments facilitation, reducing energy prices, accelerating permitting procedures, support upskilling programs, ensure international level-playing-field, public procurement rules, tech transfer from Asia to Europe, reform state aid, etc.

The event will also explore the risks of incorporating e-fuels in road transport post-2035, a move that could hinder the development of clean transport industries in Europe.

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