Well-being at Work in a Dissolved Workplace:  Interdisciplinary Challenges
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Well-being at Work in a Dissolved Workplace: Interdisciplinary Challenges

Prof. Luca Ratti , Prof. Anna Kornadt and Prof. Claus Vögele present the final conference of the IAS project Wellbeing @ Work (W@W)

Date et heure

ven. 27 sept. 2024 14:00 - 17:30 CEST


University of Luxembourg - Weicker Building

4 Rue Alphonse Weicker 2721 Luxembourg Luxembourg

À propos de cet évènement

  • L'événement dure 3 heures 30 minutes


The conference brings together the legal and psychological perspectives on well-being at work in the modern ‘workshpere’. It discusses the impact of digitalisation, remote work, and Covid-19 on well-being at work, from both theoretical and practical points of view. The event marks the completion of the interdisciplinary project Wellbeing @ Work (W@W), carried out at the University of Luxembourg and funded by the Institute for Advanced Studies.

14.00 – Introduction to the W@W Project – Prof. Luca Ratti & Prof. Anna Kornadt (University of Luxembourg)

14.15 – 15.00 - Psychological perspectives for staying well at work – Prof. Sabine Sonnentag (University of Mannheim)

15.00 – 15.20 Reconnecting regulation with the fissured 'worksphere': towards a comprehensive approach to well-being at work Dr. Nastazja Potocka-Sionek (University of Luxembourg)

15.20 - 15.40 - COME-HERE: A survey to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic changed our lives – Dr. Anthony Lepinteur (University of Luxembourg)

15.40 – 16.00 Coffee break

16.00 - 16.20 – Well-being and the protection of workers’ health and safety in EU law – Prof. Edoardo Ales (University of Napoli Parthenope) (online)

16.20 - 16.40 – Well-being in the digital age – Prof. Adriàn Todoli Signes (University of Valencia) (online)

16.40 - 17.00 – How to make well-being concrete? The Ferrero experience - Dr. Marion Bihouée (Ferrero SA)

17.00 - 17.15 – Conclusion: An interdisciplinary perspective on well-being – Prof. Claus Vögele (University of Luxembourg)

17.15 - Networking Reception

This is a hybrid event that offers both in-person and virtual attendance options.

Venue :

University of Luxembourg

Campus Kirchberg - Weicker Building

Room B001 (ground floor)

4, rue Alphonse Weicker, L-2721 Luxembourg

Online :


Language :



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