Welcome to the Feminist English Book Club,
The book we have chosen to read this month is 7 days in June by Tia Williams.
You can order the book at the library by calling them or sending an email (contact@librairieasoie.com or, delivery is about 10 days).
Each month we decide on a book written in English by a woman or a queer person.
And then we meet up on a Saturday afternoon to discuss it.
You can come once, sometimes or every single time.
The only condition is to speak fluent English.
This club is open to women only and there will be 8 of us max.
These are the books we have read before:
What You Are Looking For is in the Library - Michiko Aoyama
Once there were wolves - Charlotte Mcconaghy
The bookbinder of Jericho - Pip Williams
The bean trees - Barbara Kingslover
Hot milk - Deborah Levy
A long way to a small angry planet - Becky Chambers
Purple hibiscus - Chimamanda Ngozie Adiche
Looking forward to discussing this book with you,