Digital Tools & Uses Congress
Date and time
MSH Paris Nord
20 Avenue George Sand 93210 Saint-Denis FranceRefund Policy
The first international Digital Tools & Uses Congress is a multidisciplinary conference devoted to study the uses and development of digital tools. It aims at assembling five interrelated symposia:
1) Web Studies,
2) Challenges of IoT,
3) Recommender systems,
4) Archives and social networks
5) Digital Frontiers.
The intention of this consortium is to approach a common object of study from different perspectives in order to enrich the discussion and collaboration between participants.
Each one of the congresses afore mentioned has already taken place separately. The endeavor is now to consolidate relationships that bring together theory and practice, technics and humanities, human and artificial agents, sciences and arts. Scholars and practitioners will gather in one place and learn from each other within an inviting environment, blurring boundaries between disciplines and schools.
For this reason, each one of the five independent symposia is presented below as a track of the Digital Tools & Uses Congress and will take place simultaneously during the three days of the congress.
We are thankful to the amazing partners and international colleagues that have accepted to accompany us in this endeavor. We expect this first edition of the Digital Tools & Uses Congress to offer a wide variety of insights and scientific developments at the crossing point of sciences and humanities.
The easiest way to pay registration is onsite via check or cash. French scholars can address the check to "Agent Comptable Université Paris 8", you can also pay by PayPal : https://www.paypal.me/dtuc18.