Assessors training

Assessors training

Assessors' training - Time for the Planet

By Team for the Planet

Date and time

Monday, January 16, 2023 · 4:30 - 5:30am PST



About this event

This videoconference training aims to introduce you to our innovation selection process, explain our assessment criteria, and introduce you to the tool you'll use to assess an innovation.

You can choose one of the proposed dates - we will update those regularly.

Please note: this is not a general information meeting on Team for the Planet. It only addresses the question: "how to become an assessor?

Note: the training will be given on Zoom. You will get the link in the event confirmation.

Organized by

Team for the Planet lutte contre l’urgence climatique en utilisant l’entrepreunariat.Nous détectons des innovations à impact, constituons des équipes d’entrepreneurs pour les déployer, et injectons de l’argent pour accélérer ce déploiement.

Le capital est ouvert à tous. En investissant, vous devenez "copropriétaire" de Team for the Planet et contribuez à la lutte contre le réchauffement climatique.

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