2tonnes WORLD version: online workshops in English (multiple date)
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2tonnes WORLD version: online workshops in English (multiple date)

This is a fun and educational workshop to help and motivate people to take action for the climate !

By 2tonnes

Select date and time

Sat, 8 Mar 2025 22:30 - Sun, 9 Mar 2025 01:30 PST



Refund Policy

Refunds up to 1 day before event
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

  • Event lasts 3 hours

***Online workshop in English with the World version***

P lease note that :

- Please be careful when registering that you can be available on your timezone.

- these sessions are mostly reserved for people who aren't already 2tonnes facilitators. If you are a 2tonnes facilitators please use the special ticket for facilitors (2 seats reserved by event). If you can't see any ticket, that means it's full. Please check another date!

You are convinced of the climate emergency, but you don't know what to do or where to start? Individual or collective actions? Becoming a flexitarian or buying second-hand? Renovating your home or cycling to work ? Getting involved in an association or in your workplace?

You always dreamed about taking a step back and imagine a world scenario for a low carbon transition scenario ? What if you could take actions, not only individually, but at a global level, implicating every countries and major companies ? Would you achieve to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement for Climate ?

This workshop is made for you if you want to understand in a concrete and playful way what it takes for our society to become carbon neutral in 2050. With other participants, you will form a team whose mission is to build a transition scenario to limit climate change to +1.5°C. To do so, you will choose both individual AND collective actions to take in the next 30 years and see thanks to our live simulation after each round of decisions what are the impacts of your choices and how your transition scenario progresses towards the 2050 goal.

At the end of the workshop, you will have an overview of what a transition to net zero means in terms of actions to prioritize at different scales, which actors and sectors will be impacted.

Thanks to your participant account, you will discover the diversity of possible actions and the magnitude of their impact.

***Practical information***

Make sure to connect 10 min before the start of the event.

You will receive the link to connect to the conference room and to create your participant account a few days before the event.

Make sure to take 10-20 min the day before the workshop to complete your personal carbon footprint. The experience is much more fun and powerful if you play with your actual data !

If you haven’t received any email 48H before the event, please check your spam and look for an email with “2 tonnes” in the object. If you find none, reach out to us at contact@2tonnes.org and we will connect you with the facilitator of your session.

Come with a smile on your face and the motivation to take actions for a carbon neutral world.

Organised by

2tonnes est un atelier dont les objectifs sont de partager des éléments factuels sur ce qu'implique la transition bas carbone, et d'aider tous les acteurs de la société à trouver leur rôle dans cette transition.

Cet atelier, créé en 2019 par François Laugier, est maintenant diffusé par l'entreprise 2tonnes Compagnie.
